The Tax Blog for Smart Canadians

Tips and tricks for Canadian tax filers at every stage of life

From UFile's tax expert Gerry Vittoratos.

New Blog post

Moving expenses deduction

Mar 7, 2023 by Gerry Vittoratos
UFile Blog
Often overlooked, the moving expenses deduction is a great tool that allows workers and students to claim travel expenses when moving to a new job or school location. Let’s take a deep dive into this deduction. Full story...

Previous Blog posts

Fundamental Concepts of RRSPs

Feb 24, 2023 by Gerry Vittoratos
UFile Blog
The RRSP deadline for the 2022 tax year is fast approaching! Time to go through the couch covers and scrounge up the last of our savings to make that all-important contribution. Let’s look at some fundamental concepts of RRSPs. Full story...

Tax update 2022

Feb 16, 2023 by Gerry Vittoratos
UFile Blog
Another tax season is just around the corner. Let’s have a look at some important changes coming to the tax return. Full story...

Carryforwards - The forgotten tax tool

Jan 27, 2023 by Gerry Vittoratos
UFile Blog
The Income Tax Act provides for many credits and deductions to help reduce your tax payable. There is one tool in particular which is very powerful in doing that, but often forgotten: the carryforward. What is it, and how is it used? Let’s find out. Full story...

Tax-Free First Home Savings Account (FHSA) – Everything you need to know

Dec 16, 2022 by System
UFile Blog
In its latest budget, the federal government introduced a new savings vehicle for the purchase of a first home. Here are the broad lines of this new program. Full story...

The importance of the RRSP deadline

Dec 16, 2022 by System
UFile Blog
Every year, Canadians make contributions to their RRSPs to save on their tax bill and fund their future retirement. There is some confusion as to what the RRSP deadline actually is for the upcoming tax return, so let’s clear that up. Full story...

Cryptocurrency and taxes

Dec 16, 2022 by System
UFile Blog
A revolution has occurred in the way that people invest and exchange funds through the advent of cryptocurrency. The CRA has noticed and has laid out how it is taxed. Let’s take a look. Full story...

Seniors, taxes and more – Everything you need to know

Jan 28, 2022 by System
UFile Blog
The Income Tax Act (ITA) is filled with provisions that allow seniors to save on their taxes. Beyond that, however, there are other measures designed to help seniors with their finances. This article summarizes some of these measures and explains how to optimize certain specific benefits. Full story...

The real cost of everyday expenses

Apr 13, 2021 by System
UFile Blog
The staple of personal finance is being able to control everyday expenses. We think of these expenses in terms of dollars and cents, but there are factors that we neglect to consider. Read on… Full story...

Your investments, taxes and the pandemic - How to keep your cool during trying times

Apr 13, 2021 by System
UFile Blog
We find ourselves in unprecedented times with the COVID-19 pandemic. With fear in the air, our natural instincts tell us to sell our investments and to hoard as much cash as possible. But is that a good idea? And what are the potential tax consequences of panic selling? Full story...

Economic Response Plan and changes to the tax return filing deadline due to the coronavirus (COVID-19)

Apr 13, 2021 by System
UFile Blog
The federal and Quebec governments have announced changes relating to the tax filing deadline as well as other measures due to the coronavirus (COVID-19). Read on for details. Full story...

Tax update 2020

Apr 13, 2021 by System
UFile Blog
Another tax season is just around the corner. Let’s have a look at some important changes coming to the tax return. Full story...

Studying Abroad

Apr 13, 2021 by System
UFile Blog
So you’re thinking of moving abroad to pursue your studies. That’s great! There’s nothing like travelling the world while expanding your horizons. But how will this impact your tax return? Read on… Full story...

The gig economy in 2020: find out how to save tax with these helpful tips

Apr 13, 2021 by System
UFile Blog
Joining the gig economy has never been easier than it is today due to advances in technology. It can be as simple as downloading an app and owning a car. And the gig economy is becoming more common: according to StatsCan (2016), over 1.7 million Canadians have a side hustle. Full story...

Canada Emergency Response Benefit

Apr 13, 2021 by System
UFile Blog
The federal government has announced a new measure to help workers who have been directly impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19). What is it, and how does it affect you? Full story...

Falling for a CRA scam, and how to protect yourself

Apr 13, 2021 by System
UFile Blog
You just got a call from a “CRA agent” telling you that you owe money to the government and that you have to pay off the debt quickly or there will be legal consequences. Full story...

Home office expenses and the pandemic

Apr 13, 2021 by System
UFile Blog
The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally changed the way people work. Gone are the office cubicles, now replaced by bedrooms and kitchen tables. What can you claim on your income tax return regarding your home office? Read on… Full story...

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