NETFILE Certification

UFile for Windows and UFile ONLINE are NETFILE certified

In order to file electronically, using NETFILE, your tax return must be prepared using NETFILE-certified tax software.

UFile is Netfile Certified from the Revenu Canada Agency

The NETFILE service normally opens starting mid-February.

Quebec returns may be filed electronically until mid-January of the year following the taxation year in question.

In order to file electronically, using NETFILE, your tax return must be prepared using NETFILE-certified tax software. NETFILE certification is a rigorous testing procedure required by, and undertaken with CRA and with RQ (Revenu Québec) to ensure that the software meets high standards of quality and reliability.

UFile welcomes the certification process as part of its ongoing partnership with CRA and with RQ to produce reliable tax software of the highest quality.

Note: The Canada Revenue Agency and Revenue Quebec will accept the electronic submission of income tax returns until the end of the taxation year and until mid January of the following year. In mid January of the following year their services will be closed for their annual conversion process.  At that time, you will no longer be able to electronically submit any returns, including prior year returns.  You can always print and mail in your income tax return though.  

If you will be sending your tax return by mail, please use the links below to find the correct mailing address:

For more information about NETFILE and how you can use it to file your tax return, please refer to the NETFILE section of the CRA's Web site.

Software exclusion:
Does not support Form T1273 - Harmonized AgriStability and AgriInvest Programs Information.

Message from the CRA:

Income tax preparation software companies must seek NETFILE certification from the Canada Revenue Agency (the “CRA”) for tax preparation software products to be used in conjunction with CRA’s NETFILE electronic tax filing service. NETFILE Certification of this product from the CRA may or may not have been obtained at this time.

Please consult the CRA website or beginning February 2024 to determine this product’s certification status.

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