Who can use UFileT2?

If your company meets the following criteria, don't file your tax return by hand, UFile it

Why UFileT2
  •  Your company is a CCPC (Canadian Controlled Private Corporation) throughout the tax year
  •  It has a permanent establishment in only one province or territory
  •  It is not claiming any refundable credits (other than a refund of installments paid)
  •  It did not receive or pay out taxable dividends from/to connected corporations
  •  It is reporting in Canadian currency
  •  It does not have an Ontario transitional tax debit
  •  It does not have an amount calculated under section 34.2 of the federal Act.


UFileT2 also supports the filing (paper or EFILE) of corporations reporting the following:

Why UFileT2
  • Active business income (e.g. income from selling meals for a restaurant)
  • Income from “other property” (e.g. rental income from a property owned by the corporation)
  • Dispositions of capital property  
  • Losses carried forward and carried back (capital property losses and non-capital losses)
  • Capital cost allowance (CCA)

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