Absolutely, by applying for it using the form T2201, Disability Tax Credit Certificate. This form must be completed by a medical practitioner and approved by the CRA, preferably before you submit your tax return.
In order to receive the solidarity tax credit payment, you must claim it on your Quebec return, by completing Schedule D, meet the eligibility requirements and be registered for Direct Deposit.
The Canada employment amount provides recognition for work-related expenses such as home computers, uniforms and supplies in the public and private sector. The maximum claim is $1,257. Self-employed individuals are not eligible to claim this amount.
It depends, if you are taking care of a parent aged over 65, you may be able to claim the “caregiver amount” on your tax return for each parent who is living with you who is infirm. To claim this credit your parent must be dependent on you.
The simple answer is yes, you can reduce the amount of federal tax you pay by claiming a non-refundable tax credit on a variety of medical expenses. The allowed medical expenses include those paid for the taxpayer, the taxpayer's spouse, or a child under 18 who is dependent on the taxpayer or spouse for support.
It depends. You can claim medical expenses for any 12-month period ending in the tax year. For example, if you are paying for medical or dental treatments that started last year, and continue this year, you may take advantage of claiming them all next year.
Recently the federal government announced some important changes to rental income for short-term rentals, such as AirBnB and Vrbo. Let’s have a look at the changes. Full story...