Never fun! Fortunately, you have many options to choose from. You can pay online through your bank, a pre-authorized debit, physically at your bank, via mail or even in person.
Each Canadian files a separate tax return regardless of marital status. However, you have to have certain basic information about your spouse on your return, such as name, SIN and their Net Income. We recommend you produce your tax returns together with a program like UFile in order to maximize any credit transfers allowed under the tax code (donations, pension income, medical expenses, etc…). By doing this, you optimize the combined result of your tax return. Who doesn’t want more money in their pockets?
Sorry to hear that. If you were living common-law, you must wait 90 days from the date of separation to be considered separated. You will need to advise the CRA once the 90 days have passed of your separation through the RC65 form, in order to recalculate certain benefits, such as the GST credit and the Canada Child Benefit
First of all, congratulations! You have to declare your change in marital status right away by phone, online through My Account, or by mail through the RC65 form. When you file your tax return, you must indicate your marital status change as well with a program like UFile.
You have a couple of choices. File a T1 Adjustment Request through the T1-ADJ form and mail it, with all relevant slips and receipts, to your tax center or use CRA’s My Account after you receive your initial assessment.
Before you file your return this year you need to let the CRA (and RQ if you're from Quebec) know about the change. You can do this online through My Account, by mail or over the phone. You can click here for the CRA info and here for the Revenue Québec info.
If your new home is at least 40 kilometres closer to your new job you can claim eligible moving expenses, especially handy if your new job is in a different city.
No, the separation was not caused by a breakdown in your relationship. This is considered as an involuntary separate. This could happen when a spouse or common-law partner is away for work, school, medical reasons or is in jail.
Auto-fill my return downloads information from your CRA My Account directly into your tax return. UFile puts your data where it belongs in your return for the easiest tax filing ever.
The short answer: probably not. If you do get audited, the CRA is just making sure that what you've reported is 100% accurate. Remember to keep all supporting documents for six years in case the CRA selects your return for review.
The government recently announced an important change to how capital gains will be taxed. Let’s find out what that is, and how it affects you. Full story...