If you have a T4A slip with an amount in box 20 (self-employed commissions) or an amount in box 48 (fees for services) you will need to report this amount on the T2125—Business or Professional Income. To access the form, you will need to go back to the interview setup and check the box “Self-employed business income”. You will now see “Self-employment income” in the left-hand side menu. Click on it and select the form which best reflects your Income. Complete the identification and report the income of your T4A slip on the appropriate line.
At the top, to the right of the tax payer you will see “+” add spouse and “+” add dependant. For more details, view the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLqsq6zODVE
To enter the information of your RL-10 slip, in the left-side menu select and click on “Other information slips”. In the right side menu, choose the RL-10 slip that corresponds to your fund (FTQ or Fondaction). Click on the “+” to create the form and complete the form.
The CRA does not allow you to transfer your refund to the spouse’s return, however, if you live in Quebec, you can choose to transfer a portion or all of your refund to your spouse. Here are the steps to follow:
1. On the left side menu click on “Refund or balance owing” 2. In the right side menu choose: “Transfer your Quebec refund to your spouse” 3. From the drop-down menu select one of the 3 options available Note: In order to transfer a specific amount to your spouse, you must enter the amount on the corresponding line.
1. Create your child’s file as a dependant in your account and complete the Dependant’s identification 2. In the left side menu find and click on “Child care” 3. In the right menu choose the type of child care service provided (daycare, summer camp, boarding school, and babysitters) 4. On the first line “Amount paid to the daycare centre for this child", enter the federal amount claimed. If you are a Quebec resident and received a RL-24 slip the amount of “Box C” is the federal expense and “Box E” the eligible Quebec expense 5. For residents of Quebec, if you did not receive a RL-24 slip but only a receipt from the person, you need to enter the SIN of that person into Box H